It doesn’t seem like bicycle transportation is quite on the presidential political radar yet, but there’s still hope. Chelsea didn’t seem prepared for my question about dulling the pain of gas prices by avoiding using a car as much as possible. Rather she moved on pretty quickly to other energy related topics. Which is fine. There are big fish to fry, though transportation is much larger than just energy and pollution. And altering CAFE standards or upgrading government building efficiency over 10 or 20 year ranges is too little too late. You can’t dull the sting of change by waiting. That will only make it more expensive and more likely to be reversed…
If you’re of a mind to, please get out this Saturday and caucus. If not, make sure you vote next November.
Thank You, Chelsea, Emily and America for taking the time to talk bikes with us!
The Reno Bike Project does not endorse or support political parties or candidates.
Hey Folks,
I was reading RGJ a little while ago and saw the article. Yay! I am glad RBP was able to represent!
I hope everyone is doing well. Malaysia is hot and rainy. Hopefully I get my bicycle next week.
Take care,
Speaking of Chelsea Clinton:
There is bad news about her father.
It is opined that Bill Clinton committed racist hate crimes, and I am not free to say anything further about it.
Respectfully Submitted by Andrew Y. Wang, J.D. Candidate
B.S., Summa Cum Laude, 1996
Messiah College, Grantham, PA
Lower Merion High School, Ardmore, PA, 1993
(I can type 90 words per minute, and there are probably thousands of copies on the Internet indicating the content of this post. Moreover, there are innumerable copies in very many countries around the world.)
“If only it were possible to ban invention that bottled up memories so they never got stale and faded.” Off the top of my head—it came from my Lower Merion High School yearbook.
[…] has been going to Mike’s head. Mike recently rode his bike in slacks and a sport coat to a meeting with Chelsea Clinton. Still, maybe there is something to learn from Mike’s […]