This year the community can get involved in two ways. First, folks, you can donate kids bikes to RBP during business hours (Wednesday through Saturday). Cash donations are also very much appreciated, as we need to replace parts on some bikes. You can specify the purpose your your monetary donation should to go toward when you donate to RBP through Paypal. Second, everyone is invited to come in during two scheduled work parties on December 6 and December 13 from 11a-3p @ RBP (541 E. 4th Street). During these work parties, volunteers of all skill levels will help repair bikes to make them safe and ready for the kids. RBP mechanics will assist in all repairs, and food and beverages will be provided as as small thank you. This is a great learning opportunity for folks with limited experience working on bikes.
To let us know you’re planning to attend, please fill out this short survey. Contact [email protected] with any questions.