“Vzal jsem si ji, protože jsem nedokázal překonat psychologickou bariéru se ženou. S jinou ženou bych dokázal cokoli, ale s touto ne, i když se mi moc líbila,” řekl. Bělorus se přiznal, že mu pilulka při sexu přináší živější emoce. Účinek nebyl přerušen ani alkoholem. Jediná enter to view (a velmi neobvyklá) nuance, které věnoval pozornost – když se urazil na svou ženu, pilulka nepomohla … Pilulka na lásku: stojí za to věřit běloruské Viagře? Lékaři nedoporučují kombinovat Viagru s alkoholem
Greetings all,
We bet some of you are going to Burning Man, and don’t want to walk around once you get there.
We propose you ride a Human Playa Vehicle (bike) for that really hot event in the desert we are your one-stop shop.
Here are all the details for getting a bike this year.
Hours will be as follows:
Friday 8/28 10am-6pm
Saturday 8/29 10am-7pm (or 8pm depends on how many people are still here)
Sunday 8/30 10am-7pm (or 8pm depends on how many people are still here)
Monday 8/31 10am-6pm
Some critical details/FAQ:
- We don’t rent bikes, only sell them.
- Bikes are $60. We accept all bikes back.
- We Accept Cash and Credit Card, we charge a 3% fee for credit card use.
- We have many left at this time, but don’t make reservations.
- Additionally we will be open Sunday 8/30.
- We don’t expect to sell out until 8/31, though we aren’t sure when exactly, so call about availability. Our number is 775.323.4488
- You will need to call or come to the shop when you get to Reno to confirm availability. Our number is 775.323.4488
- If you have a question, please don’t Tweet at us. We don’t really use twitter.
- If you are worried about bikes selling out prior to your arrival try contacting someone local to come and pick up bikes ahead of time. The folks at the Morris Burner Hotel are just down the street, they may be able to help.
- We have a full selection of accessories including EL wire, lights, Monkey Lights, Racks, Baskets, Cantainers, bike racks for cars (rear hanging only) and more.
- We will install all items for a price, which will be clearly listed.
We will also be offering limited repairs during this extremely busy time , so please don’t expect us to overhaul your bike on the spot. Repairs will be limited to things like flat fixes and brake adjustments.
If you have questions please call us at 775.323.4488
Hi there, what are the chances that you will have very limited bike options on the 28th August? I’m arriving around noon to Reno and will need to pick up my Uhaul first. I’m looking for a female cruiser bike. any way i can reserve one with you guys?
Regards, Elena
No reservations, as stated. But you should be fine if you come on the 28th.
[…] If you are looking for general Human Playa Vehicle Information, please read our other FAQ located he… […]