Bitpro Nexus Bitpro Nexus

Introducing: The Tumbleweeds!

mountain bike practice 2



Reno Bike Project has joined the National Interscholastic Cycling Association (NICA).

We are a no pressure, good times team focused on access and exposure to the wonderful world of Mountain Biking. All costs are covered by the Reno Bike Project, with the mission to provide access to mountain biking for youth aged 11-17 who would otherwise not have access to the sport.

If you would like to sign up for a practice or have any questions, please contact [email protected]. We are excited to see you out there!

If interested, please fill out our Waiver of Liability & Photo Release also NICA's Medical Disclosure and Consent Agreement & NICA's Participation Agreement (the team name is "Reno Bike Project X" the league name is "NICL" and for school name put "Composite Team").