Meet Our Staff
We’re committed to getting more butts on more bikes more often!
Noah Chubb-Silverman
Executive Director & Co-Founder
A native of Reno, Nevada, Noah Chubb-Silverman has been an avid bicyclist for most of his life, majorly influenced by competitive mountain biking and cycling since the age of 15. In 2001 he moved to Bellingham, Washington and it was there that he first became acquainted with a community bike shop named The Hub. Working as a volunteer at this shop while attending Western Washington University, he saw the impact that a small group of staff and volunteers can make towards helping people get onto bicycles. After graduating in 2005 with a degree in Industrial Technology, Noah moved back to Reno and drew from his experience in Washington to start the Reno Bike Project in October of 2006. He works hard to develop every aspect of the organization.
Kyle Kozar
Joseph “Kyle” Kozar graduated with distinction from the University of Nevada, Reno in 2006 with a dual B.A. in Journalism and Spanish. A native of Reno, Kyle has been an avid cyclist for over a decade and founded Reno Bike Project in October 2006. Since RBP’s inception, he has undergone additional business training and worked to improve every aspect of the organization from writing the initial business proposal to program development to branding and public exposure. In 2010 Kyle moved to New York City to study urban planning at the Pratt Institute, but he still makes time to help out whenever we need him.
Manny Diaz
Shop Manager
Manny brings a wealth of experience and a passion for cycling to our team. A graduate of Future Cycles Program, Manny's career in the bike industry has been diverse. He has honed his skills as a mechanic and service manager at Velo Reno, managed operations at the Dropout Bike Shop, and contributed his expertise at The Pro's Closet and Free Lab Collective. Manny's commitment to top-notch service continues as he wrenches at RBP.
When he's not at the shop, Manny loves to hit the gravel or enjoy any bike activity that ends with a delicious burrito.
Andy Perkins
Program Manager
Andy started riding bikes more seriously when he was too cheap to buy a parking pass while earning his degree in Linguistics from the University of Nevada. While biking is still his preferred way to commute around town, his favorite way to enjoy riding a bike is on dirt. He takes pride in being the slowest rider in any group and will often take breaks that everyone else deems unnecessary and pretend it’s because he’s identifying a plant or a cool rock he found. When not riding bikes, you will find Andy splitboarding, gardening, hiking with his dogs or just about anything else outside.
Katie Darrow
Program Manager
Katie is a Program Manager on the RBP Team, and recently moved to Reno in June! She grew up in Connecticut, and ventured out west in search of the mountains as soon as she finished high school. She attended college in Washington, and is currently (very slowly) making her way through an English Masters Program at Middlebury College. In addition to reading, Katie also loves all things outdoors (climbing, biking, running, skiing), playing music, and adventuring with her dog (Chef). She spent a couple of summers leading trips with NOLS, then moved to Bozeman, MT where she worked at a variety of other outdoor-based organizations and explored the many trails right outside her front door. She moved to Reno in an effort to flee Bozeman's nine-month winter, while still getting great access to the outdoors. Katie is excited for the opportunity to work at RBP and get to know the folx in Reno's bike community and beyond!
Tom Chapel
Program Manager & Bike Education Instructor
Tom Chapel has spent a lot of time on his bike. Working as a bike messenger in Seattle for 10 years and then in Reno for 3 more, Tom has hours and hours of road time and experience. Not to mention some of the most beautiful bikes to ever grace the streets. He knows the rules of the road and understands that although intimidating and sometimes tricky, riding your bike is something special.
Justin Kipp
Mechanic Educator & Quality Control
If there’s one thing that I’ve learned,
brother you know you gonna get burned
if you don’t know where your love is at
Chai Montgomery
Mechanic Educator & Production
Reborn in Athens, Georgia in 1994 when two folks pedaled into town from Chapel Hill, North Carolina and camped in his backyard. They told stories of their cycling journeys and from that point on it’s been 100% bicycle life: touring, road and cross country mountain races, wrenching, commuting, working as a bike messenger for 10 years, and going to bicycle mechanic and frame making schools. Chai bought his first car at the age of 48, to be able to get to trail heads better. He moved to Sparks in December 2017 and is enjoying all the sunshine that the desert life provides on daily bike rides.
Jacob Greiner
FutureCycle Program Coordinator & Tumbleweeds Head Coach
Jacob enjoyed riding bikes at a young age, however he eventually progressed onto the sport of mountain unicycling. He has now completed some epic muni rides around the area, including a circumnavigation of Lake Tahoe. Although Jacob's true love is in the saddle of a one wheeled beast, he loves supporting the less advanced Reno Bike Project Community. Jacob can be found either in the shop or out on the trails, coaching Reno Bike Projects brand new youth mountain bike team, the Tumbleweeds.
Connor H.
Mechanic Educator, Coach, & BRC Instructor
Connor likes to surf.
Ray Hill
Mechanic Educator & Production
Also known as BicycleRay. Forever in love with bikes. Ray has been passionate about bikes and anything cycling related his entire life. He has been repairing bikes for forty years, twenty at a local bike shop. He did a lot of cross country mountain biking and racing. Ray has often volunteered at cycling events helping people with their bikes and mobile repair. He enjoys teaching others how to maintain and repair their bikes so that they will gain confidence, independence and hopefully consider biking more often.
David Ramirez
Mechanic Educator & Production
David considers his life to be very blessed at this point. He was in the window cleaning industry for 33 years and loved it. Now he is able to work on bicycles which is another passion of his. Bicycles are truly incredible, and the icing on the cake is he gets to work for a nonprofit like Reno Bike Project, and be a part of something greater than himself.
Alex Hoinville
Head Mechanic
Alex might be a little bike obsessed. She grew up riding bikes, but really found her love of bicycles when she started mountain biking in Michigan in 2014. From there it was history, and she quickly found herself with a job at a local bike shop and a complementary passion for fixing and maintaining bikes. Her love of bikes has only stayed with her through moves to New Mexico and now Reno. When not biking, Alex can be found longboarding, snowboarding, backpacking, studying geology, writing, and cuddling with her partner and cat.
Alex L.
Mechanic Educator
Alex has been riding bikes for years as an alternative to public transit and cars, and believes in the bike as a truly liberating machine. Since joining the Bike Project Alex has loved learning more about bike maintenance and repair. They’re excited to pass on tips, tricks, and knowledge to any biker looking to learn.
Josh Roach
Major Taylor Program Coordinator
When I'm away from the shop I have been known to remodel train stations, making them more efficient in the area of heat retention. On Wednesdays, after work, I repair electrical appliances free of charge. I enjoy urban hang gliding. Critics worldwide swoon over my original line of corduroy evening wear. My deft floral arrangements have earned me fame in international botany circles. I participate in full-contact origami. I breed prizewinning clams and I cook Thirty Minute Brownies in twenty minutes. I once caught a 900 lb Blue Marlin with a cane pole. I typically finish triathlons in 1/3 the normal time by completing the run, swim, and bike portions simultaneously. When Neil Armstrong landed on the moon, I was there waiting with my video camera. 60 minutes tried to do a feature on me, but there was not enough time. Life does not give me lemons; it gives me whatever I ask for.
Meet Our Board of Directors
Learn more about the Board Members behind RBP.

Joseph Brandl
Joe has been the board chairman for RBP for the last year after serving several years as a board member. He is a newly retired cardiac surgeon having practiced in Reno for the past 32 years.
He loves working on bikes as much as riding them. On days he is not riding his bike around our beautiful city he can be found “ wrenching “ at the fourth street production center. His fondest memory of his childhood is riding to Little League baseball practice on his five speed Schwinn continental with a bat over his shoulder, a glove on his handlebar, and a smile on his face.

Marlowe Kulley
Marlowe Kulley is currently the CFO for Mesa Rim Climbing Centers. Marlowe is a longtime cyclist and has lived and cycled across many cities. She is passionate about improving cycling infrastructure and bike access in Reno.

Terry Quint

Mike Scott
Mike Scott decided to go pro in something other than work in September 2021. The next day he flew to Alaska with his bicycle for a ride with cycling buddies who he has ridden with in the US, Iceland, Germany...and now Alaska. An avid bike commuter, Mike volunteers most weeks at the Reno Bike Project when he is not traveling. Mike has worked on 3 non-profit Boards, and enjoys helping with planning and activities. He has experience with facility operations, business management, and organizing cycling and other kinds of outdoor activities. Mike's wife Trudy and all four daughters have been willing participants in his various adventure schemes. You can see what Mike is up to on Instagram @pintglasscyclist.

Scott Gibson, P.E.
Scott is an engineering project manager at the RTC (Regional Transportation Commission) and has managed projects such as the recently completed California/Keystone Complete Street Project, the Green Bike Stamp Project, and the Mill Street Complete Street Project. He also oversees the RTC’s preventive maintenance slurry seal program which provides a blank canvas of opportunities for creating more complete and safer streets and improving conditions for people who ride bikes as well as extending the life of the region’s roads.
Scott has made Reno his home since 1995. Since arriving in Reno, Scott has been active in the community both professionally and privately. Scott is an avid cyclist and brings to his work an awareness of the need to improve the quality and safety of of our community’s cycling infrastructure. Scott is proud to serve on the Board of the Reno Bike Project and support its efforts to promote bicycles as a critical component of mobility in our community.

Heather Goulding
Heather Goulding has been riding Reno’s roads and trails since 1992. She is a project manager at ADM Associates where she is a consultant to utility companies on their energy efficiency programs. Previous roles include leading a local breast cancer foundation and a stint as a citizen lobbyist who played a key role in passing a bill to create a high-school dropout recovery program. Among other things she is proud of, she made sure her own kids (now grownups) knew how to fix their own flats when they were still in grade school.
Bridget Enderle
Angela Kirk
Daniel Lazzareschi
Daniel works for NV Energy. Stay tuned for his bio!
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